What is the biggest challenge people who start learning digital marketing face?

What is the biggest challenge people who start learning digital marketing face?

Hello Pran,

What is the biggest challenge people who start learning digital marketing face?

Landing their dream career.

Of course, digital marketing is a powerful skill.

You can do a lot.

You can become a freelancer, affiliate marketer, info-product creator, and so on.

But for all that to happen, you gotta start somewhere. Starting as a digital marketer for some business is the logical choice for many.

I talk about it in my Mass Trust Blueprint.

And finding and landing the right career as a beginner is a challenge for many.

A right beginning is essential for a great career.

Most people start somewhere, take any work they can get, earn peanuts, and are stuck there without growth. They sadly see their dreams go waste.

All because they don't know how to choose and land their dream career.

I spoke to thousands of digital marketers and recruiters and found out that people make three mistakes when it comes to career search.

And the three mistakes are:

1. Unimpressive Resume:

Your resume is your first opportunity to make an impression. It tells the recruiter, who you are, what you are capable of, and whether to consider you for the interview.

Almost everyone struggles to write a resume that can get them interviews.

2. Non-optimized social media profiles:

In this digital age, your social media profile is your extended resume. Recruiters check your profiles to see whether you'll be the right fit for their culture and company before deciding.

But people ignore their social profiles.

3. Poor Performance in Interview:

You learned the concepts. You applied and got results. But when it comes to attending an interview, you freeze like a deer caught in the lights because you don't know how to prepare to ace any interview.

Whether you are a fresher or an experienced person, you could have landed a better job if you didn't make these three mistakes.

But it doesn't matter anymore because I got you a solution you can use to avoid these mistakes.

Harliien Man

Harliien is a digital marketing career coach.

She is our hiring, recruitment, and placement consultant with a decade of experience in helping digital marketers find their dream careers.

She has helped hundreds of my students to land their dream career.

And for the last six months, she has been working on this secret project to solve the challenges for everyone else.

Last month she launched it to a very small beta group, and those who attended the program were amazed by the clarity and results they got from it.

She made it even better and is opening it up exclusively for you.

It's called:

​The Career Search Boot Camp for Digital Marketers​

It is a 2-day live training Bootcamp designed to help you land your Dream Career.

What will you learn in the Bootcamp?

You'll learn everything you need to land your career even if you are clueless about where to start or have half-a-decade experience but still struggle to land the right career.

You'll learn:

How to perform a swot analysis to find out your digital marketing specialization
How to write the perfect digital marketing resume that gets you more interview calls
How to write cover letters that get your resume opened and considered
How to write emails that grab the attention of the recruiter and makes him consider your resume first
How to follow up after sending your resume without sounding desperate or needy
How to optimize your social media profiles to give the best impression
How to use LinkedIn for job search, to find and land the best job for you
How to prepare for your interview and what to do after the interview
The most commonly asked digital marketing interview questions and how to answer them like a pro.
And so much more.

That's not all.

You'll also get:

A 21-days job search planner with daily activities you should do to find and land your dream career
An application tracker template to make it easy for you to track and follow all your job applications efficiently.
Perfect resume template for digital marketers, SEO specialists, paid ads specialists, content writers, and e-commerce specialists.
Each template is carefully designed to highlight your skills and experience from the recruiter's perspective to beat the queue and get the interview call on priority.
A perfect cover-letter template that gets your emails opened. If your email is not opened, no one will check your resume and aren't getting the interview calls as you expect.
And Harliien will also answer every one of your questions related to your career and job search during the Bootcamp.

It's like having your career coach without breaking the bank.

At the end of 2-days Bootcamp, you'll walk away with clarity of your skills, a perfect resume and a cover letter, and a plan to make your job search successful.

All you need to do is, click the button below and join

We are all living in a stressful time right now. Jobs lost. Salaries cut.

You cannot follow the same steps and hope for different results. Challenging times need better planning and preparation.

It's the right time to give your career the boost it needs because businesses are preparing for the post-covid19 world.

​Join The Career Search Bootcamp For Digital Marketers Today ​

And land your dream career.

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